Friday, January 14, 2011

The Flooding of Brisbane!

This has been a horror week for me and I haven't had much opportunity to embroider, knit or crochet. The stress of this week has been immense and I thank God that we have come out of this disaster safe and sound.

First the possitives! My house didn't get flooded! After an anxious 3 days of tension headaches and sandbagging and don't forget praying, our house stayed dry! The river stopped about 100 meters from our house, thanks to the water not rising as high as predicited and a couple of fine days.

Not so lucky were numerous friends and today has been spent cleaning mud from houses and washing other peoples mud sodden clothes so that at least some belongings were not lost. How lucky am I?! I feel like one of the luckiest people in Brisbane after seeing the devastation today. Tomorrow will be much the same as today. And probably the day after that too.

Yesterday 2 of my sons and a friend paddled around our suburb in a canoe! Up around the University if Qld, down Sir Fred Schonell Drive, up Indooroopilly Road and almost back home again. Today its a mess of black sticky, stinking mud!

On the negative side, now that the worst is over flood wise the shops are fairly naked of fresh food. My eldest son drove up from the Gold Coast today, as he was finally able to get through, and he shopped for us before he left. He was able to bring up some meat, a bit of fruit, bread and milk and toilet paper! Yes you can't buy toilet paper anywhere!!

People have been hit very hard and as business
re-opens in the CBD as power is turned back on the flow on effect of this disaster will be huge. Everyone in Australia will be affected in some way.Hopefully things will return to normal as the weeks go on but Queensland won't be the same ever and it will take 2-3 years to rebuilt the damage in Brisbane alone.

Tonight as I sit in my nice clean home with electricity and food I will continue to count my blessings. My family is all here safe and sound so it's all possitive really.

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