Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wow I Haven't Posted For Ages!

Well things have been pretty busy here for the past few months. I have been to another Prudence Mapstone workshop in Mackay in North Qld. I stayed with a very good friend and had the most wonderful time!

I also worked again for Prudence at the Craft Expo here in Brisbane. Just the most wonderful experience! I am also very keen to open my own shop or internet shop as the only 2 yarn stores here in Brisbane are a bit boring. Anyway the wheels are in motion so hopefully something will happen this year.

I have been doing alot of embroidery too as my son Nathan has moved down to our house in the Byron Bay Hinterland and is going to Uni down there. I have been helping him to settle in and while he is at uni there is plenty of quiet time to stitch. BLISS!

Again this year I am working on the knitted Debbie Abrahams Mystery Blanket and am progressing nicely. 3 months along so far and the blanket is looking beautiful.

Also I am working on the crocheted Jane Crow Mystery Blanket. It is gorgeous too as it is crocheted in Rowan Cotton Glace and is a little bit 50's. Loving it!

I have also started the International Diploma of Crochet with Pauling Turner in the UK. It's a correspondence course and I am working on Part 1. It is hard but I am learning heaps. I will complete part 1 before I decide to continue with parts 2 & 3. I would love to as I would love to learn how to design.

Everything will be on hold for 4 weeks as Jim and I are travelling overseas for a long overdue trip. We fly out to Hong Kong for 3 days and then on to London. I am having lunch with my embroidery friend Nikki Delport-Wepner in Hong Kong and really getting quite excited!
We are in London for 6 days and meeting up with our good friends Jeff and Cheryl from Melbourne. then off to Paris, Rome and a week at a villa in Tuscany. Then Venice for 3 days, back to Rome overnight and a flight out to Hong Kong for some last minute shopping before home. I am really looking forward to it.

So happy! Everything is busy busy and I will have lots to post when I get back.