Monday, March 29, 2010

More Embroidery!

I am going on a Textile Tour of Hong Kong and China in May. We had the final itinery meeting on Saturday so it is really happening and I am excited. Nikki Deport Wepener and Kerryn Lightfoot are planning the trip for us. Only 8 of us going so it will be good. I have done classes with Nikki and her mum before and Kerryn owns the embroidery shop that I go to. We will be seeing private collections and also taking classes with Masters of their craft. Still 5 weeks away but I am planning!

On the home front I am stitching away at my crazy patch embroidery and going to Annie Huntley's once a month so am ejoying that too.

Went to the Craft Expo last Friday and caught up with Prudence Mapstone. I am doing a couple of classes with her at Koala Conventions this year. Prudence made the scarf in my previous post.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sue
    How come I didn't see this site before now. You are pretty damn talented yourself. Look at this amazing embroidery. Now THAT requires patience and skill. It is beautiful work. Here is another blog to watch.
