Saturday, July 31, 2010

I Think My Yarn Is Breeding!

Yes that's right! I bought some beautiful Tilli Thomas yarn the other week in luxurious purple chenille. Was a bit slow as I only bought one skein and the lady had 4. She sold the rest pretty quickly and I was kicking myself! I went back to her yesterday and bought 2 beautiful skeins of pink silk chenille with a silver fleck through it. They were the only 2 she had and another white silk with some sequins dotted through. I also bought some green ribbony yarn for freeforming.

So much for paying off my Visa card. I sold 2 pairs of jeans on ebay and spent half the funds on yarn. Not too bad really coz I did pay off some of the card with the other half.

Last week was spent doing my crewel embroidery of Margaret Light's Tree of Life. It's coming along well and it is another project which I am determined to have finished before the end of the year.

Also this week I have continued on with Debbie Abrahams Mystery Blanket and I am almost up to date. She has said that August' parcel will be a week late so that suits me as I only have 2 squares of July to finish. When I am up to date I can't wait to get back to some freforming!

Had time on my hands this week as I had planned to spend the week with mum and dad as dad was to have had an operation but it has been postponed. Love a quiet week as I don't have to make up excuses to do my crafts!!

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