Alpaca Wristers made with one ball of The House of Alpaca yarn
My life is revolving around crochet and knitting patterns, yarn, websites and making up kits at the moment. I'm a bit overwhelmed by it all at times but I am loving every minute of it! I have been having a go at writing some easy patterns too which is something that I have always wanted to do.
The website for my shop is taking so much longer than I had initially thought. That just goes to show how much I don't know about computers! Anyway it's all possitive and I should be opening formally before the Stitches and Craft show in Brisbane in October.
I have made up quite a few kits as a friend in Canberra told me that as a consumer she often doesn't know what to do with all the beautiful yarns at the shows and sometimes and kits are a great option.
So here is a quick post showing some of things that I have been making. Also my classes at the craft show were confirmed today so that's more hours up my sleeve to get my teaching certificate!