Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thai Garden Collar

Another little project finished! I bought this pattern and Noro Wool from Jenny King way back in May and as the pattern instructions were wrong I had to wait and do a workshop with her. I then put the project away as I had many other things on the go and forgot about it really.

The weather has been so hot and humid and the embroidery project that I am doing is not good to work on in the humidity. I was looking for something else to do and rediscovered this crochet project.

It only took 2 nights once I got going. All the flowers were done in one evening and then sewn together the next. I really love it and can't wait to wear it in the winter!

Thai Flower Garden Collar

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Finally I have finished my Alpacalicious crochet blanket! I had to put it on hold for awhile as all the crocheting gave me such a sore hand that I thought that I had tendinitis. After a few weeks rest it wasn't and I began again only to put on hold again while I made birthday and Christmas presents.

I am so happy with the way the blanket turned out and have another 16 balls to make another one sometime in pastel colours. I can't believe that I have another project finished for this year and while I still have many still unfinished it is very satisfying to have completed at least 7 projects this year.

Looking forward to the Christmas break where I will be able to do some more embroidery.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Grecian Goddess!

I have just finished making this teacosy for my sister Kerry's birthday next week. The pattern is from Loani Priors' book Really Wild Teacosies! I know that she is going to love it!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Shawl for Mum

Christmas is almost here and I have made a shawl for my mum's present. I made it from 2 skeins of Alchemy Haiku yarn on 7mm needles and it is delicious! A mohair/silk blend and just exquisitely soft and fine she will get the warmth plus you can just squish it into nothing to fit in your handbag. The pattern was very simple just 3 rows knit and one row YON and knit 2tog. It created a beautiful fine lacey look and looks much harder than it is!

Today I need to begin knitting my sister another teacosy for her birthday in less than 3 weeks. I made her the Carmen Miranda tea cosy last year from Loani Priors book Really Wild Tea Cosies. The photo is on my profile. She loved it and has requested another this year.

After that if I have time I will knit my son Tom's girlfriend Kirstyn a scarf from another skein of Alchemy Haiku. Same pattern but narrower. I guess I had better get cracking!